Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, you are the God of provision. You are Jehovah Jireh. I ask today that you fill the place to which you call us with energy, wisdom and unlimited joy. Let us love the work we do in your name. Let us rise every morning in expectation of what great deeds we will see…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, you are the author of adoption and redemption. I once was lost in a pit of my own making, yet you called me to come out of the pit and into your marvelous light. I am of your household, living in the victory Christ affords. I am God’s kid! I pray others will…

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Prayer for Today

Elohim, Creator, Mighty God, you transform our ashes into your works of art. You saw the fall and set your plan of redemption into motion. You snatched us from the fires of our own making and set our feet on the path to practicing justice and righteousness. You paid our ransom in full by putting…

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, my prayer today is for those battling viruses and illness. Show them how to rest between your shoulders through the discomfort and pain, as they recuperate. Holy Spirit, please strengthen their immune systems and quash the attempts of the enemy to keep our brothers and sisters down. Let them feel the uplifting power…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, you created us in your image. We represent. Let us represent you well. You give us identity and purpose. We are of your house and tasked to tell the world of your great love and how it brings salvation and life. We are on Team Gospel. Mold your team and bind our hearts…

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Prayer for Today

It’s time for a rest, Lord, time for me to steal away to spend time with only you, even for only a few moments. Give me pause during my days to acknowledge your constant presence with me. Let me look up to feel the warming glow of your love against my face. Renew my spirit…

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Prayer for Today

The road of life winds before me, and I move closer to forever day-by-day. Guide my steps, Father. I pray your Word over the way I would go.. “Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths.” (Psalm 25:4 ESV) “All the paths of the LORD are steadfast love and faithfulness, for…

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Prayer for Today

Jesus, be revealed! Even so, come, show yourself in authority with healing and miracles. Show us the wonder of your power that brings new life. Lord, confirm to others this message of salvation that we share. Gather those who don’t know you into your fold. Make yourself known. I ask in the name and authority…

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Prayer for Today

Father, I just want to sit here in quiet reverence and love you for what you have done. You are worthy, Lord, to receive glory and honor and power. You created all things. Through your Son’s blood, you bought all men, every nation, every language, yes all peoples. You purchased them at the price of…

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Prayer for Today

Father, build your church. Let us see it arise, grow strong and spread in this place. Lord you are the solid foundation, never changing for all generations. Your will stands. Who can reverse what you do? Who holds a candle to your power and might? You watch over your word to see it performed. Be…

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