Prayer for Today

Almighty God, you are the master of master plans. Let us in on our part of it, Father. Lead us with your immeasurable wisdom. Give us discernment in what our steps are and how and when to take them. Take us to your Word as we make the decisions for ministry. Give us everything we…

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Prayer for Today

Gracious God, you are the author of relationship. Thank you for sending folks into my life. Help me nurture the bonds between us, so that I can speak freely about my relationship with you. Let them see Jesus in my actions and words. Keep me from doing anything that would damage my representation of Jesus….

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Prayer for Today

Father God, you are the God who hears our prayers. They come from the pain and joy of living. So many, so much overflowing, overwhelming. Yet, you continue to work for the greater good and for your glory. Remind us that you are making something new in us, around us and through us. Present perfect…

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Prayer for Today

Father in heaven, who is like you? There is no comparing you to anything else in your kingdom. You stretched out the heavens, dotted the velvet night with stars, ignited the sun to warm the earth, and created a plan to warm men’s hearts and draw them to you. Thank you for your power and…

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20180122

Today is a beautiful day, because “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength.” (Isaiah 40: 29 ESV) Attributes of God #joyinverse #blessedthisdayandeveryday

Prayer for Today

Almighty God, you are above all, and you seated Jesus at your right hand far above all rule and authority and power and dominion. He commands even the evil spirits. They know who he is. They must flee at his name. We speak the name of Jesus, the name above all names, that all evil…

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Prayer for Today

Well, Lord, I am definitely challenged as I see what is going on around me within my country and in other nations. It makes me grateful for the solid foundation only hope in your promises builds. Faith through difficulty leads to endurance, and as Paul explains, endurance builds character and character produces hope. Hope doesn’t…

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Prayer for Today

Jehovah, God of all, you are above everything. There is no one like you. I extol your great deeds and kindness in this place. I seek to be close to you in all I do. Without you, there is darkness and hopelessness. But you, above all, bring eternal blessing and hope. You brighten my days….

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, as you work to put together your ministries, and teams gear up for a new year of work, fill them with your truth, your hope, your joy and your peace. Set their feet on the path of your choosing for the year. Let them tell of your power and greatness in their daily…

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Prayer for Today

Remove the scales, Lord. Clear up our vision. Let us see you clearly. Take away anything getting in the way of our calling to higher ground and knowing you more. Remove our unbelief and replace it with your truth. I ask in the name and authority of Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith,…

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